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Music as a ‚hobby’

That is what it should be, for me: a ‚hobby’ that is always with you, and one which you share with others. It feels like that when I am able to follow a flow, naturally shifting from practicing a piece for a concert, to composing, to having a wondering mind, to focussing very sharply, being sensitive to others, being quiet, stop thinking- all at the right time. How often is that? I am hoping more and more. Life is too short to loose energy over forcing myself to do something, because I think it needs to be done. Or being insensitive to others, even worse...always room for improvement I guess. Life as a hobby, doesn't that sound nice? I know this sounds very spoiled, who can afford to see life as a hobby?? But still, as an experiment to change the mindset just a bit, it does sound appealing.

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