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Wiek Hijmans
Wiek Hijmans (1967) is an electric guitarist, specialized in performing new music with and for his instrument. Collaboration with composers is essential. Hijmans wrote an instrumentation guide for the instrument.
As a composer, Wiek Hijmans has been creating music all his life.
The main body of his compositional work is a collection of 150 solo pieces for electric guitar. A selection of twelve of these pieces has just been released: Psalms Electrified, the edition includes a book with new translations of the twelve psalm texts.
Please look here for more information.
Very moving to see someone so dedicated to research what I have been doing. Thanks Mr. Aguzzi!
here is a link to the article
Here the latest review on the Psalms Electrified CD, the main Dutch guitar magazine 'Gitarist', writes:“..Alleen al het idee van teksten lezen terwijl je luister geeft Psalms Electrified veel extra’s. Mooi zijn de lange stiltes tussen de verschillende psalmen waardoor je je maximaal kan concentreren op het volgende stuk. .zijn spel is maximaal precies en zuiver, en akelig virtuoos..In deze gecomponeerde stukken is voortdurend avontuur voelbaar en word je als luisteraar steeds weer verrast. Wiek Hijmans speelt verhalen op zijn gitaar.”
Performing new music with electric guitar since 1987
photo Reinoud Leenen

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